News & Events

Half Day Meditation Retreat 26-6-2022


Come and join us for a wholesome afternoon @ 26th June 2022 (Sunday) and discover the art and craft to inner calm & peace. 诚邀您在 2022 年 6 月 26 日(星期日),与我们一起探索让内心平静与安宁的艺术和工艺,共度一个有益身心的下午。

Blessings for the Heart: “心灵的祝福” (Language: Mandarin 媒介语:华话).

A Half-day retreat organized by United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM), in partnership with Royal Thai Consulate-General of Penang, held in conjunction with the Official Opening Ceremony of United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM). 由马来西亚佛教联合会及泰国驻槟总领事馆合作举办为期半天的静修会,将与马来西亚佛教联合会联络办事处的开幕典礼同时举行。

Link to application form 申请表链接:




News & Events

Newspaper Reports -Thousand KM Dhamma Walk.


Newspaper Reports – Thousand KM Dhamma Walk 新闻报道 – 千里法行

20-02-2022. The Thousand KM Dhamma Walk event is a success and completed today in Penang. 千里法行 活动今天在槟城圆满结束。

Click the links below to see the various newspaper reports on the event 单击下面的链接以查看有关该活动的各种报纸报道:

The Star

China Press 中國報

China Press 中國報

Kwong Wah Yit Poh 光华日报

Guang Ming Daily 光明日报

Bulletin Mutiara

News Asia Today

Thank you for your support in making this event a success 感谢您的支持,使本次活动取得圆满成功.

Warmest Regards 温馨问候,



News & Events

Magha Puja is on Wed 16 Feb 2022

Magha Puja this year falls on Wednesday 16 Feb 2022. 今年的 Magha Puja 将于 2022 年 2 月 16 日星期三举行 。

Magha Puja is an important Buddhist holy day in the Theravada tradition, commemorating an auspicious event that dates back to more than 2,600 years ago. Magha Puja是南传佛教传统中重要的佛教圣日,旨在纪念这个吉祥盛会可以追溯到2600多年前。

At that time, the Buddha had gained enlightenment for about ten months and was residing at the Veluvana Bamboo Grove near Rajagaha, on the invitation of King Bimbisara, ruler of the Kingdom of Maghada. It is said that on the full moon day of the month of Magha, according to Indian calendar, four historic occasions took place, hence Magha Puja also became known as “The Fourfold Assembly Day”, in which:

那时,佛陀得道后大约十个月,应马加达王国的比姆比萨拉国王邀请,居住在拉贾加哈(Rajagaha)附近的Veluvana竹林(Veluvana Bamboo Grove)。印度历的其中一个满月日,(在Pali文中成为称为Madha)发生了四个纪念性的日子,因此Magha Puja也被称为“四重集会日”,其中:

1) A total of 1,250 fully enlightened monks (arahants), came together to pay respects to the Buddha at the same time 共有1,250名完全得道僧侣(阿罗汉)齐心协力在同一时间向佛陀敬礼。

2) All the arahants were ordained by the Buddha himself所有的阿罗汉都由佛陀亲自剃度出家。

3) All the arahants came to see the Buddha without any planning or prior appointment所有的阿罗汉都没有在任何计划或事先预约前来礼佛。

4) The Buddha expounded the “Ovada Patimokkha” sermon, to the assembly of monks who had gathered there佛陀向聚集在那里的僧侣们讲解了“ Ovada Patimokkha”来传道。

We take this opportunity to encourage all those who practice the Dharma to pay their respects to the Buddha and remind ourselves to refrain from doing evil, do good and to pursue our commitment to self-purification. On this day, we can observe the Eight Precepts at home, practice meditation, recite sutras, read Buddhist scriptures and listen to the Dharma. 希望会借此机会,鼓励所有修行佛法的大众向佛陀表示敬意并提醒我们诸恶莫作 众善奉行 自净其意的承诺。我们可以在这一天,各自观察八戒,修禅,诵经,读取佛经及聆听佛法。

Warmest Regards 温馨问候,

News & Events

Johor-Perlis Tudong Day 55

Info for 信息关于 Date 日期: 26 December 2021 Time 时间: 8.30 – 9.00 am

From 从 Temoh (near Vihara Buddha Gotama) to 到 Gopeng, Perak

Route 路线

Tudong Dhutanga from Santi Forest Monastery, Johor to Padang Besar, Perlis (1000 KM).  僧侣 徒步Tudong Dhutanga 从 宁心寺 Santi, 柔佛 到 巴东勿刹, 玻璃市 (1000公里). 

Tudong 2021 helping out with flood relief. Tudong 徒步 2021 帮助洪水赈灾。Selangor 雪兰莪 Yesterday 昨天 25 Dec 2021.
Tudong 2021 helping out with flood relief. Tudong 徒步 2021 帮助洪水赈灾。Selangor 雪兰莪 Yesterday 昨天 25 Dec 2021.
Tudong 2021 helping out with flood relief. Tudong 徒步 2021 帮助洪水赈灾。Selangor 雪兰莪 Yesterday 昨天 25 Dec 2021.
Tudong 2021 helping out with flood relief. Tudong 徒步 2021 帮助洪水赈灾。Selangor 雪兰莪 Yesterday 昨天 25 Dec 2021.
News & Events

Maha Bodhi Society Blessing – Malaysia’s Flood

Maha Bodhi Society India sends blessing to the Malaysian people for the flood disaster last week. 印度摩诃菩提会就上周的水灾向马来西亚人民致以祝福。

Message from Venerable Bhikkhu Ananda General Secretary Maha Bodhi Society India. 印度摩诃菩提会总书记阿难尊者的信息。

Sangha Blessing 来自僧伽的祝福

Sangha Blessing 来自僧伽的祝福

We thank the Maha Bodhi Society for the care, concern and blessing. 我们感谢摩诃菩提会的关心和祝福。Sadhu 萨杜