Half Day Retreat Penang 26-6-2022

Spread the Metta

Registration has closed 注册已关闭 – 3 pm. 25th June 2022下午 3 点。 2022 年 6 月 25 日。Thank you 谢谢

A Half-day retreat organized by United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM), in partnership with Royal Thai Consulate-General of Penang, held in conjunction with the Official Opening Ceremony of United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM). 由马来西亚佛教联合会及泰国驻槟总领事馆合作举办为期半天的静修会,将与马来西亚佛教联合会联络办事处的开幕典礼同时举行。

诚邀您在 2022 年 6 月 26 日(星期日),与我们一起探索让内心平静与安宁的艺术和工艺,共度一个有益身心的下午。






时间:12.30pm – 6.00pm

提交以下申请表以加入。报名以“先到先得”的方式进行。报名截止日期为2022年 6 月 22 日(星期三)。

We invite you to join us on Sunday, June 26, 2022, for a wholesome afternoon exploring the arts and crafts of inner peace and tranquility.

  “Blessings of the Heart”

The half-day retreat, co-organized by the Malaysian Buddhist Federation and the Thai Consulate General in Penang, will be held concurrently with the opening ceremony of the Malaysian Buddhist Federation Liaison Office.

Retreat Teacher: Ajaan Kaizhao

Medium: Mandarin

Location: Penang Harmony Centre

Time: 12.30pm – 6.00pm

Submit the application form below to join. Registration is on a “first come, first served” basis. The application deadline is Wednesday, June 22, 2022.

Organized by:

United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM)

Sponsored by:

Royal Thai Consulate-General of Penang


静修会流程 Retreat Programme:

12.30pm-1.15pm: 内心平静的艺术 (第一部分)The Art of Inner Peace (Part 1)
1.15pm-1.30pm: 休息/自习 Break Time/Self-practice
1.30pm-2.15pm: 团体禅修引导 Guided group meditation
2.15pm-2.30pm: 休息/自习 Break Time/Self-practice
2.30pm-3.00pm: 问答环节 Q & A

3.00pm-3.45pm: 发掘内心的平静 (第二部分) Discovering Peace Within (Part 2)
3.45pm-4.00pm: 休息/自习 Break Time/Self-practice
4.00pm-4.45pm: 动中禅 Meditation in Motion
4.45pm-5.00pm: 休息/自习 Break Time/Self-practice
5.00pm-6.00pm: 问答环节/功德回向 Q & A, and Sharing of Merits