法勝苑 Dhamma-Vijaya Buddhist Center

「法勝苑」原名「香雲居」,成立於 2010年,經過多年的努力終於在2011年落成,並於2015919日,在諸山長老的見證之下,正式供養以柔佛州寧心寺住持為首之僧團。


Dhamma-Vijaya Buddhist Center was earlier known as Gandharama. Gandharama was established in year 2010 and after much effort throughout the years it was finally completed in year 2011. Gandharama was donated and accepted by the Sangha led by Mahatera Chao Khun Keng(Abbot of Wat Pa Santi) and also witnessed by many Mahateras on 19/09/2015.

Dhamma-Vijaya will always uphold and stay with the Triple Gems. We will always respect and support the Sangha and follow the Lord Buddha Teachings in our daily life.

Lot 2469, Jalan Air Jernih, 20300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia