News & Events

Videos of Official Launch of UBOM

Spread the Metta

Dear brothers and sisters in the Dhamma,

To commemorate the official launching of United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM) on 26 June 2022, we have launched a two-part video series to document the historic occasion. Available in English and Mandarin, the first part is an introductory video on UBOM and its endeavour to inspire and support the growth of Buddhism in Malaysia and abroad. The second part of the video focusses on the significance of multiple events which unfolded on 26 June in conjunction with the officiating ceremony of UBOM.

Please help to share these videos with your family and friends and may it be a source of inspiration for everyone to come together and care for the Sasana. May the Sasana continue to flourish for the benefit of all sentient beings.

With grateful appreciation from all of us at UBOM.


为了纪念马来西亚佛教联合会(UBOM)于 2022 年 6 月 26 日正式成立,我们推出了一个由两部分组成的视频系列来记录这一历史性时刻。 第一部分是关于 UBOM 的介绍视频,以及它为激发和支持马来西亚和国外佛教发展所做的努力以英语和华语提供。 视频的第二部分着重于 6 月 26 日与 UBOM 的开幕仪式一起展开的多项活动的意义。

请与您的家人和朋友分享这些视频,并希望它成为每个人聚在一起护法的灵感来源。 愿佛法继续发扬光大,利益众生。


Official launch of the United Buddhist Order of Malaysia (UBOM) – English

马来西亚佛教联合会(UBOM)正式成立 – 中文

MahaSanghika Dana & Post Pandemic Blessing (UBOM)- English

供僧大法会與疫情后为槟城诵经祈福会 (UBOM) – 中文

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