News & Events

Johor-Perlis Tudong Day 62

Spread the Metta

Info for 信息关于 Date 日期: 2 Jan 2022 Time 时间: 8.30 – 9.00 am

From 从 Padang Rengas to 到 Bodhi Langka Ram Temple, Assam Kumbang, Taiping, Perak

Route  路线

Tudong Dhutanga from Santi Forest Monastery, Johor to Padang Besar, Perlis (1000 KM).  僧侣 徒步Tudong Dhutanga 从 宁心寺 Santi, 柔佛 到 巴东勿刹, 玻璃市 (1000公里)

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