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Asalha Puja and Entering Vassa 2022

Spread the Metta

Asalha Puja – Wednesday 13th July 2022. 阿萨哈布查日 – 2022 年 7 月 13 日星期三。

Entering of Vassa Day – Thursday 14th July 2022. 进入瓦萨日 – 2022 年 7 月 14 日星期四。

Asalha Puja is one of the most important Buddhist events of the year along with Magha Puja and Vesak Day. It marks the day Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon in Benares. 阿萨哈布查日 与 大法会日和卫塞节一样,是一年中最重要的佛教活动之一。 这标志着佛陀在贝拿勒斯第一次佛法的日子。

On this day Buddhists are encouraged to go to temples to do Dana, observe 8 precepts, listen to Dhamma talks, meditate and participate in traditional ceremonies such as the Wian Tian candle offering and walking around the Temple with a lit candle, lotus flower and incense. This ceremony dates back to the times before electricity where extra light was needed at the temple during the darker days of the rainy season.  在这一天,佛教徒被鼓励去寺庙做布施,遵守八戒,听法,打坐和参加传统的仪式,如维天(Wian Tian)蜡烛供养,以及用点燃的蜡烛、莲花和香在寺庙周围走动。 . 这个仪式可以追溯到电力之前的时代,在雨季的黑暗日子里,寺庙需要额外的光线。

Entering of Vassa for this year is 14th of July which is also the first day of Vassa, where Buddhists go make offerings (requisites for the rainy season) to the Saṅgha members signifying their heartiest and sincere support for the Saṅgha to strive in mental cultivation throughout the entire rain retreat. 今年7月14日进入瓦萨,这也是瓦萨的第一天,佛教徒向僧团供养(雨季必需品),表示他们最衷心和真诚地支持僧团在整个修行方面的努力整个雨撤退。

It is hoped Buddhists everywhere will have a fulfilling Asalha Puja day this year. 希望今年各地的佛教徒都能有一个充实的阿萨哈布查日。

Warmest Regards温馨问候


Buddha pic above source:

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